Assembly Videos

Assembly Video Terms


By viewing this video, you acknowledge and accept the following terms:

This video and its entire contents are owned by Superior Steel Sales LLC (“Company”) and are protected by United States copyright and trademark laws. You may use this video for your personal, non-commercial use only. You must not reproduce, distribute, modify, create derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, republish, download, store, or transmit any part of this video. You must not delete or alter any copyright or trademark rights notices from this video or use any portion of this video for commercial purposes. All rights not mentioned herein are expressly reserved.

The products, equipment, and tools shown in this video are potentially dangerous if handled incorrectly. Some of the products, equipment, and tools are heavy and can cause serious bodily injury or death if they fall or land on people or animals. The instructions in this video are being provided as an assembly aid, but the Company cannot and does not warrant that assembly of the products is completely safe even if the instructions in this video are followed. Accidents can happen. If you do not feel comfortable following the instructions in this video, or working with the products, equipment, and tools in the video, you should contact a professional to perform the assembly.

If you perform the assembly shown in this video, you do so at your own risk. By viewing this video and performing the assembly shown, you indemnify and hold Company and its agents harmless from and against any and all liabilities and claims based on the instructions given in this video.